Camper Cabins are ideal when your lot is in a remote area, needed for temporary shelter, or you don’t want to suffer through the “permanent structure” permitting requirements.
These movable cabins are pre-built in our yard in Sagauche, Colorado by experienced carpenters. We have delivered complete, turnkey cabins to some of the most remote areas of Colorado. We can build solid logs camper cabins in about any size from 8′ x 10′ up to 16′ x 28′ (In the San Luis Valley, up to 20′ x 28′). Most require semi-truck access to your location and a level pad to set them on.
Prices on camper cabins vary depending on the finish requirements. A typical 12×16 shell can usually be delivered to your lot for about $12,000, but please call – each cabin and lot is different, so contact us for an estimate. Logsmith Homes are your camper cabin specialists!